Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Make a Relationship Work...

** Just for sharing again n again...ehhehee....let enjoy your reading...

If you are in a short or long term relationship and you notice more and more that your partner doesn’t listen to you when you speak. It doesn’t even matter what the topic is, they just nod their heads as though they are listening.  You look up at them and it’s clear they are not listening; some times you even ask them to repeat what you said to see if they heard you and they get mad at you as though you’ve done something wrong.

How frustrating is that! Most relationships come together because there is a connection. There is time and effort spent together which make both parties feel special, “paid attention too”.  So you want to be with that person because you feel good with that person.

Then as time goes by, one partner starts paying less attention. The time spent together is less, the effort spent to make each other feel good is not as important. It really makes no sense that we do that in our relationships because we end up having to do it all over again  in a new relationship and the cycle continues. If we don’t get what needs to be done to nourish a relationship, the mistakes are repeated. If we take the time to put the effort in then it’s less likely that the relationship will end.

If the issues has to do with,”what is being said” when the conversations takes place then that needs to be adjusted.  If the conversations taking place makes a person tune out , because it’s about problems, then only do those conversations at specific times. Try to set aside time that you discuss problems and solve issues. Problems and issues don’t have to be discussed every single night, all night, which is what some people do.  

When you want to have an intimate, fun time with your partner, you keep the conversation neutral, don’t talk about things you know will get each other upset. No complainingHave those conversations that make the other person feel good, and only you know what that is!

We all have stressful times and some last longer than others but coming together when times are difficult makes a couple stronger and appreciate each other. Best way to go through a difficult time is with a partner that has your back and will help you have some peace while the storm is hitting. 

So make sure the conversations that take place makes your partner want to listen to you even when times are hard.

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