Friday, February 11, 2011

10 Ways to Make a Relationship Work.

Whatever you want in life you have to put time, effort, and energy into it for it to continue to move in the direction you want it to. Pay attention to your relationship .

Ways to Make Your Relationship Work and Last.

1. Keep up your appearance. Don’t let everything fall apart because you are in a relationship. Try to look good. Once in awhile change it up and surprise your partner with a new look. Don’t let him or her forget why they picked you.

2. Stay healthy, eat right, exercise. It is very important to your relationship that you stay healthy, it allows one to feel good and when you feel good, you are willing to give more to your partner.

3. Stay active. Have outside activities that do not involve your partner. Do a lot of things together but also do those activities that allow you to have space and stay connected to friends and family.

4. Compliment. When you see your partner looking good, don’t forget to compliment them. Everyone likes compliments and wants to feel good. It shows you are paying attention and that keeps things moving in the right direction.

5. Keep the relationship excited. Surprise them once in awhile, a nice dinner, a nice gift, flowers, a nice note. Do the things you know will make your partner excited, and happy.

6. Sex is an important part of the relationship. Make sure you are available to satisfy each others needs. Sometimes you may not be in the mood but go with it and many times you will be happy that you did.

7. Listen! don’t forget to listen. It’s very sad when you are in a relationship and you believe your partner doesn’t hear you. This is when the effort comes in,when you are tired or worried about work. You have to put the effort in, it’s important for you to pay attention, show them that you care about what they have to say. This one step will go far in making a relationship work.

8. Busy Life. If you have a busy life and you are going in one direction and your partner is going in the opposite direction, make sure you meet up and have a date night once a week. A healthy relationship also takes yearly vacations together, they don’t have to be expensive vacations, you just need to get away from the repetitive work routine.

9. Family. Family is wonderful but make sure they have their place. You and your partner come first. Make sure there isn’t a lot of interference by family members.

10. Time is so limited. Technology continues to move in a direction that seems to isolate individuals. Make sure your phone, or games you play do not interrupt your ability to put the effort that is needed into your relationship. Put the phone down when you are having a conversation with your partner and don’t answer it unless it is an emergency. That’s not impossible! Keep game playing to a minimum. Don’t replace your partner with game playing.

These are helpful tips to making your relationship work. Try a few of the suggestions and see if there is a change in your relationship.


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