Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Life Lesson

Life does not always greet you with flirty winds
That sweeps your hair when you're walking
Slow motion one sunny morning.

Life is neither always having cold winds
Blow your dry hair when you're busy
Running about the hectic streets.

Life is what I don't know anything about
Everything I ought to know,
Life is to live once and be dead.

1. Easy come, easy go.
I believe it’s true to most things in life.
2. Great friendship is hard to find.
3. A true friend is one who accepts your partner for who she/he is for as long as you are happy.
That’s all that matter. You don’t have to impress them as they know he/she has impressed you.
4. Looking good and dressing up is not a crime.
5. Getting in a relationship and having a lot of exes doesn’t make you an expert or give you the right to judge other people’s relationship.
Getting in a relationship is easy as courtship is the best part of any relationship. But relationship itself is hardwork. It takes loyalty, commitment, understand and a whole lot more to make it work. Some are just meant to be as much as you hate to admit it. Some ain’t. True love and lust is different.
6. Having a good job is different than having a job that you truly love.
7. Do things that excites you or something that you are truly passionate about.
8. Listen to your heart.
You can get as much advice from just about anybody. But only you will know what is best for you.
9. Keep all cotton bud and cotton pads in a container which has a lid.
10. Respect works both ways.
If you want people to respect you, respect yourself first. Then respect others…only then will it come naturally.


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